Saturday 22 April 2017

~ Providing and Withholding information ~

Next; Providing and Withholding Information.
     Providing and withholding information, is a technique used by film makers, used to decide when it is the right time in a film for the audience to find something out. A film always has a narrative in place, to either entertain or inform the audience. Each narrative contains sub plots or different stories that are linked to the major story being told in the film. With each sub plot, it gives out information to the audience to inform them more about that subplot they are following, or the whole narrative altogether. The film can also withhold information to manipulate what the audience think, either about a character, how the ending will pan out, how a subplot will end etc.
    When withholding information is used in a film, it is usually seen in non linear films, which means films that are not in chronological order or sequence. Meaning the audience are shown different times from the events happening in the films narrative, but not in the order they happened. This is used to grip the audience and surprise them when information is relieved about a sub plot that they were not expecting, as a big part of information was withheld from the film till the end to surprise the audience and thrill them from an unexpected ending. When showing information out in a film, the audience can either find out with a character or main character as they discover the information, or before the characters.
      The purpose of this technique is to make the audience curious and to engage the audience. If the audience are curious to find out something about the narrative that has not yet been shown, it will persuade them to keep watching, to find out what the piece of information is and how it changes the narrative. It makes the audience intrigued to want to know what is going to happen at the end of the narrative, or to a certain character if a subplot hints something, but doesn't show all information about a character or subplot. Withholding information engages the viewer as the audience is intrigued on what that piece of information is, and why it is being withheld for so long in the narrative or movie.
       An example of this technique being used in a film is, the Sixth Sense; released in 1999. The main character; Dr Malcom Crowe thinks he is just living his day to day life, dealing with patients, like a boy named Cole who thinks he can see ghosts; dead people. The audience discover near the ending, that Dr Malcom Crowe is in fact dead too, and has been in denial at it when he passed away. That's why the boy; Cole can see him, because the little boy can see ghosts.  This is a good example using the technique; providing and withholding information. As throughout the film, there are little clues that hint at this, but not big clues that would give it away at an instant. An example of this is when Dr Malcom Crowe is sitting in his house with his mum, but his mum does not acknowledge him or know that he is there, finding out at the ending this is because he is dead and cannot be seen.

           Another example of providing and withholding information is from the movie Psycho; released in 1960. The film withholds information to the main character, not telling her or giving her any knowledge that she is about to be attacked. Making the audience feel intense and curious of how she will react or what will happen as she is about to be attacked.

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